Authors & Contributors

Frank Ohnesorge holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration with a focus on Marketing from the University of Mannheim (M.Sc. in Management). Within a double degree program, he also acquired…
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Stefan Kluge joined the Chair of Quantitative Marketing and Consumer Analytics at the University of Mannheim in 2019 as a PhD student. He acquired his Diploma and Master's Degree in…
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Andreas Bayerl was born in Heidelberg and raised in Mannheim. He acquired both his Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Business Administration with a focus on Marketing and Psychology at the…
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Leonie Gehrmann was born in Cincinnati, OH, USA. She obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Economics at the University of Mannheim, during which she spent a semester abroad at the Norwegian…
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Andreas Hamann was born in Berlin. He obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degree in business administration with a focus on marketing and information systems at the Humboldt University of Berlin…
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Florian Stahl joined the Department of Business Administration at the University of Mannheim, Germany in Fall 2013, as a Professor of Marketing. Florian Stahl's research interests are primarily in empirical…
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Victoria Meil acquired both her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Business Administration with a focus on Marketing, Human Resources and Psychology at the University of Mannheim. She spent a semester…
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Ülfet Isci-Özalp joined the Chair of Quantitative Marketing and Consumer Analytics in 2021. She finished her PhD at the technical university of Gebze.
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Maximilian Beichert acquired both his Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Business Administration with a focus on Marketing and Management at the University of Mannheim. He spent one semester abroad at…
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Christina Schamps Forschungs­projekte beschäftigten sich mit der Entscheidungs­findung von Verbrauchern vor dem Hintergrund gesellschaft­lichen Wandels, zum Beispiel eines wachsenden ethischen Bewusstseins von Konsumenten oder des steigenden Einflusses sozialer Medien. Als…
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